
Courses Taught at UAF

Application of commonly used quantitative dating methods to geologic problems. Introduction to isotopes and radioactive decay. Discussion of U-Pb, 40Ar/39Ar, radiocarbon, (U-Th)/He, U-series disequilibrium, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, fission track, luminescence, and cosmogenic nuclide methods with applications in geochronology, thermochronology, and petrochronology. Includes training in mass spectrometry and thermochronologic modeling.

GEOS F605 Geochronology (2023, 2025)

GEOS F493 Introduction to Geochronology (2025)

Literature class on recently published papers in geochronology, petrochronology, and thermochronology.

GEOS F692 topics in Geochronology (2024, 2025)

Courses Taught at LMU (2020)

Quaternary Dating Methods


Advanced Earth Surface Processes 2

Quartärgeologische Datierung
mit Kosmogenen Nukliden

Quantitative dating methods on timescales from 10 a to 1 Ma for the Master’s program in Geology. Students from other courses of study are welcome to join as well.

Einführung in die quantitative Zeitmessung in der Geologie für den Bachelorstudiengang. Es werden die Grundlagen der Geochronologie wie Radioaktivität, die Altersgleichung, und analytische Methoden besprochen, sowie eine Übersicht der wichtigsten Datierungsmethoden und deren Anwendungen. Studierende aller Semester sind willkommen, es gibt aber eine beschränke Teilnehmerzahl.

Literature class on recent developments in earth surface processes concerning dating of mineral transformations during weathering.

Einführung in die Entstehung und Anwendung von stabilen und radioaktiven kosmogenen Nukliden.

Courses taught

University of Munich

Exercises for Introduction to Geology and Plate Tectonics

“Students for Students” Seminar Lehre@LMU

Berliner Hütte field exercise

2011, 2012

2012, 2013

2009, 2010, 2011,
2012, 2013

3rd semester introduction to global and regional scale geologic processes

Student‐led interdisciplinary geoscience seminar to discuss topics not covered by other classes.

2nd semester field exercise and student’s first “hands on” field experience. It includes a “mapping competition” between the individual groups.

Teaching Assistant

California Institute of Technology






Introduction to geology for undergraduate students and first‐year graduate students. Two courses taught concurrently.

Three‐week field class focusing on introduction to geologic mapping, held at Poleta Folds, Deep Springs Valley, CA.

Introduction to use of analytical tools: SEM, EDX, EBSD, electron microprobe, mass spectrometry, laser ablation ICP‐MS, Raman, X‐ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy.

Introduction to seismic reflection/refraction, ground penetrating radar (GPR), resistivity, GIS, differential GPS, gravity, magnetics.

Field measurements using seismic reflection/refraction, ground penetrating radar (GPR), resistivity, GIS, differential GPS, gravity, magnetics.

University of Munich

Exercises for Introduction to Geology and Plate Tectonics

Maps and Profiles

Elba (Italy) mapping course

Cabo de Gata (Spain) mapping course

Structural Geology Lab

Molasse Basin field trip

Franconian Alb field trip

Northern Calcareous Alps field trip

Coburg field trip

Western US field trip

2008, 2009, 2010

2009, 2012, 2013



2010, 2011

2009, 2010, 2011,
2012, 2013





3rd semester introduction to global and regional scale geologic processes.

2nd semester introduction to reading and making topographic and geologic maps and constructing geologic cross‐sections.

3rd semester introduction to field methods and geologic mapping on the island of Elba, Italy.

3rd semester introduction to field methods and geologic mapping in Cabo de Gata, Spain.

5th semester advanced exercises in balancing cross‐sections of fold‐and-thrust belts.

2nd semester field trip to outcrops in the Molasse Basin south of Munich, Germany.

2nd semester field trip to the Franconian Alb region, Germany.

2nd semester field trip to the Wallberg, Germany, to construct geologic cross-sections.

Three‐day field trip to the area around Coburg, Germany.

Undergraduate field trip to Nevada, Arizona, California, Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho. Regional‐scale mapping in the Basin‐and‐Range Province and Colorado Plateau.